Tuesday, September 12, 2006

A Rose Undivided

So what is "a rose undivided"? Well, Rose is my middle name, so it pretty much represents me. The undivided part is an undivided heart to God. He calls His children to have undivided hearts that worship Him and Him alone. So, that's basically it I guess. Not much to it. Just trying to live out having an undivided heart for God that yields only to Him and not to the opinions of this world.
A little bit about why I have this blogspot: most people tend to use blogging to tell about their day, good or bad, or give people some info about their life at the present time. Or, they use blogs to complain and whine about their life or rag on someone they don't like or just basically talk about something completely irrelevant. Not to say that life is irrelevant, but God wants us to not have any idle words. If all I do is talk about things that aren't encouraging or uplifting or I just talk about anything that doesn't come right back around to giving glory to God, then I'm having idle words. So, I dedicate my blogs to writing about the things that truly matter - the things that encourage, exhort, and challenge believers in their faith.
So, that's why I write and what I write. God gives me so much, and I am so humbled that He would even choose to use me to speak something of His heart. Whenever God gives me something that is beneficial for other believers and the church in general, I write it. I do it to give glory to God. I want to tell others the truth and how to live it out because I want to see them living the abundant life Jesus Christ has for them to live.
Well, that's all for now. I hope I will have something to share soon.
Love o' Jesus!

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